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Writer's pictureWhitney Storey

It’s August Mamas!

Or should I say…We made it to Chapter 8! 🙌🏾 The number 8 correlates with new beginnings and if i can be honest…it’s a whole lot of new beginnings happening over here! 

New school year.

New grade level.

New rules.

New teachers.

New routines.

New schedules.

New classmates.

In the words of Tye Tribbett, “New, new, new everything new, new, new!” I mean sheesh! But new is good, right?!🤷🏾‍♀️

So, my therapist got me caught up in a thought that I had to explore. A few weeks ago during a conversation, they mentioned that I always get nervous when it’s almost time for my son to go back to school. They also added, you know because you have to do your teaching presentation (a presentation about care management for my son). After that conversation I needed to hear from the Lord!

In my devotion time, I wanted to learn more about the “nervousness”, so I searched worry and anxiety, but doubt was what I was led to mediate on.

My devotion selection was from a book titled: Rise Up - Faith Building Devotions for Women. The author called this devo “Transformed Doubts”. The scripture reference was Mark 9:24 - 

“Immediately the father of the child cried out and said with tears, “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!””

Mark 9:24 NKJV

The devo was transparent and true. It can be hard (difficult to trust your family and friends) to God’s care. It went on to read that the reason trusting can be challenging for women is because, women are caretakers and the doubt is that sometimes we can be unsure if someone else is capable of taking care of that loved one, family member or friend like we would.

But [faith] is our assurance.

God is the only ‘perfect’ caregiver. When we don’t trust in God, we forfeit allowing God’s love, power and plan for that loved one, family  member or friend’s life.

   I wrote a few notes of my own, I thought I’d share:

If you feel that ‘nervousness’ trying to dwell; these notes and scriptures may assist in seeing you through!

Let me know if you find this helpful and you know the tribe…make sure you share with another Mama!

We got this! Love ya!

With Pace & Grace


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